The only website with all the local info about the Mayenne, in English!

The Spring 2024 edition

of the

Mayenne 53 Magazine

For English Speakers


View Online HERE

This information will be updated as the magazine is distributed throughout the department. Please bear with us as we deliver to various locations. If you know any businesses that would like to be a distribution point for the magazine, email:

To access all editions of the magazine online, visit our ARCHIVE PAGE.

Discover everything in the Mayenne, in English, on our comprehensive website dedicated to this beautiful department of France. Stay updated with the latest local news, explore upcoming events, and find the businesses you need in our extensive directory.

Additionally, our regular magazine in English offers an in-depth look at the unique culture, history, and lifestyle of the Mayenne. Whether you’re a local resident or a curious traveler, our website is your one-stop destination for all things Mayenne, ensuring you’re always in the know about this hidden corner of France.

Looking to advertise your business in the Mayenne? Click HERE for more information.

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Mayenne 53 Magazine

1 week 2 days ago

The April newsletter is available to download now:

Mayenne 53 Magazine

1 week 2 days ago

English Language Films on in the Mayenne THIS WEEK! More info & trailers on the website:

Mayenne 53 Magazine

1 week 5 days ago

You can pick up a copy of the Spring 2024 edition of the Mayenne 53 Magazine at the following businesses:
Gorron - Une tasse de Bonheur, Bubba's Pizzeria, Gary's Automotive services, Gorron Immobilier.
Lassay les Châteaux - Intermarché
Couptrain - Le Famous Knight
Pré-en-Pail - SuperU, Hank's Auto Repairs
Mayenne - HyperU
You can also read it online here:
More stockists coming soon.....

Mayenne 53 Magazine

3 weeks 1 day ago

The fight against Asian hornets is already underway in the Mayenne this spring. These insects attack bees in hives, as well as being a risk to humans due to their powerful sting. The aim is to target the females, the founding queens, with traps.
The queen comes out of hibernation and builds her primary nest in 6 to 8 days, she lays eggs inside and when the first nest is full of eggs, the worker bees emerge and go on to build a second nest.

For advice on how to trap frelons, contact: or look at this document (in French) which illustrates various types of traps:

Mayenne 53 Magazine

3 weeks 1 day ago

Claude Leblanc, former mayor of Mayenne, died on Tuesday 19 March 2024. He was mayor of the town from 1971 to 2008. In his honour, the flags in front of the Town Hall have been lowered to half-mast and a register of condolences is open at Mayenne Town Hall during opening hours.

Mayenne news and info is thirsty work!

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Avis de non-responsabilité : Les informations contenues sur le site web de Mayenne53 et dans les programmes, articles, ressources, bulletins d’information, groupes communautaires et comptes de médias sociaux associés à Mayenne53, ne sont données qu’à titre indicatif. L’auteur et toute personne liée à Mayenne53 n’assument aucune responsabilité quant à l’utilisation de ces informations, et aucune garantie n’est donnée quant à l’exactitude des informations fournies. Les informations produites sont uniquement destinées à vous guider et ne constituent pas un conseil professionnel ou commercial. Il est de la seule responsabilité de l’utilisateur de confirmer que les informations sont exactes et correspondent à ses besoins et, le cas échéant, de demander un avis professionnel indépendant.

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