Bus company in the Mayenne

The main bus company in the Mayenne is Aleop. They provide public transport options throughout the department; from traditional buses linking major towns (e.g. Ernée & Laval) as well as a Transport on Demand service available to all the villages in the Mayenne.

A visit to friends, an appointment, a trip to the library…
Transport on demand allows you to make local trips and complements the transport services offered by the Aléop network.

Simply make a reservation and a vehicle will pick you up at the “transport on demand” stop and drop you off at the location of your choice (bus stop or central hub or station, depending on the sector).

Once you have signed up to the service (membership is free), you can book your transport by making a simple phone call. Tel. 09 69 39 14 14 Monday to Friday, 7am to 8pm, Saturday 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm.

How much does it cost? Single ticket: €2.20 Book of 10 tickets: €17 Outside the département: 2 tickets Free for children under 4. The Aléop monthly season ticket (under 26s at €27 and over 26s at €52) allows you to use transport on demand.

Below is a translation of the leaflet for the NW of the department but the service covers the whole of the department. Bookings must be made no later than 4pm on the day before you want to travel. Tickets cost 2€20 for any one-way trip. For more information click HERE.

School transport provided by:

ALEOP: Postal address: Aléop; Antenne régionale de la Mayenne, CS 11401, 53014 LAVAL cedex

Physical address : 5 rue de Paradis – 53000 LAVAL


Titi Floris ZA du Riblay, 53260 Entrammes Phone: 02 43 98 12 19 https://www.titi-floris.fr/

Private companies

Cars Bleus ZA de la Lande, 53100 Parigné-sur-Braye Phone: 02 43 04 18 17 https://www.cars-bleus.com/

MAYEN’ VOYAGES 13 Pl. Georges Clemenceau, 53100 Mayenne Phone: 02 43 04 27 90

Voyages Feurprier 23 Pl. des Halles, 53100 Mayenne Phone: 02 43 00 94 20 https://sites.google.com/site/voyagesfeurprier/