Bus services in the Mayenne

Whilst traditional bus services are few and far between in the Mayenne, a new “Transport on Demand” service has been launched throughout the department. Simply phone: 09 69 39 14 14 and request transport from A-to-B from virtually any village in the department. From 2€20 you can travel across your sector (and further) at a time that suits you (subject to availability). And don’t worry about speaking French, once you get through to an advisor you can ask for someone who speaks English!

You just need to get past the first two automated options: Press #1 for Transport on demand; then #1 again for transport in the Mayenne. If you want to try speaking French, be prepared to give the following info: Nom de Famille/Surname, Prénom/First name, Email address, Phone number, Address, and Birth date. It really is easy and convenient, not to mention cheap! For more information visit: www.aleop.paysdelaloire.fr/transport-la-demande-2 or request an e-brochure in English by emailing contact@mayenne53.com

Aleop also runs the school bus services in the Mayenne. In some cases, it may be possible for an adult to buy a bus pass to use these school buses but they are limited to running just twice a day. For children living in the department and attending primary school, college, or Lycée, you can register at: https://aleop.paysdelaloire.fr/aleop-je-minforme-sur-les-transports-scolaires .

Bus services in the Mayenne: How much does it cost ?

  • €150 per year and per child, for the first 2 children. 3rd child is free.

 The bus timetables can be found here: https://aleop.paysdelaloire.fr/je-consulte-les-horaires-des-transports-scolaires

In the case of separated or divorced parents, it is possible to organise travel arrangements to fit in with custody schedules.

All school children subscribed to the Aleop school transport system are issued a reflective yellow vest that they are required to wear at the bus stop, on the bus and when they arrive at their destination (until they are on school premises). All buses are equipped with seatbelts and all passengers are required to wear them whilst the bus is moving.

There is currently a shortage of qualified bus drivers in France and so the government is subsidising training by 100% in order to fill the skill gap. For details of driving jobs available throughout the Pays de la Loire region, click on this link: https://nosemplois.fr/jobs/meteo?job=45707~ENTRY_LEVEL~INTERMEDIATE~SENIOR~EXPERT&location=2988289&contract=CDI

For details of private hire bus companies and other bus services, refer to our page in the Business Directory: https://mayenne53.com/directory/bus-companies/